Gaya Bahasa Slogan Iklan Minuman Di Televisi

  • Lilis Kholisoh SDN 1 Sukajaya, Lebak


The problems in this study are (1) How to form hyperbole, repetition, and alliteration in beverage advertisement  slogans on television. (2) How are the forms of assonance, personification, and metaphor in the slogans of beverage advertisements on television. This study analyzes the language style of slogans found in advertisements on television. The type of research used is qualitative research with descriptive methods. The techniques used are observation techniques and note-taking techniques. The results of this study indicate that there are (1) six categories of figurative language consisting of 4 styles of repetition, 6 styles of alliteration, 3 styles of assonance, 15 styles of hyperbole, 2 styles of metaphor, and 1 style of persynification. (2) the meaning contained in the advertising slogan for coffee and milk drinks on television. Semantic is also a branch of dozen of sciences about symbols or semiotics. To the relationship between meaning or concept and the slowness or series of sounds it represents, a picture has been created such as a formula in the form af a triangle of meaning, language and the real world in a triangle called the “semiotic triangle”. Semantic examines symbols or signs that express meaning, the relationship pf meaning to one another, and their influence on human and society
