The correlation between students’ motivation and their foreign language anxiety among EFL learners

  • Laila Dillah Setia Budhi Rangkasbitung University
  • Berita Mambarasi Nehe Setia Budhi Rangkasbitung University
  • Puji Siswanto Setia Budhi Rangkasbitung University
Keywords: EFL, Foreign Language Anxiety, Motivation


There have been many studies identified several variables associated with FLA. The present research aims exploring the correlation between students’ Motivation and their Foreign Language Anxiety among EFL learners. The subjects were 34 students of Eight grade students SMPN 3 Cikulur 2022/2023. The instruments used to collect the data were the following first Foreign Language, FLCAS (Foreign Language Anxiety Scale) by Horwitz and Cope, 1986. Second Standard Determination Theory (SDT) by Noels, 2000. For measuring which aimed to investigate students’ motivation was used to rate their motivation to learn. Through the results that found there is a low negative correlation between students’ motivation and their foreign language anxiety. From that higher students’ motivation, the lower the foreign language anxiety, likewise conversely the lower motivation the higher foreign language anxiety.
